Holiday Cottages UK Self Catering Accommodation Maps

Holiday Cottages in England Scotland and Wales UK

Self Catering Holiday Homes & cottages

Welcome to - with hundreds of self catering cottages, apartments, and barn coverversions across the UK.
Simply use the search panel to the left or click on the map to zoom in and browse for your favourite self catering holiday cottage or apartment, other places to stay and local ammenities. Alternatively search all properties if your not sure. Click on 'add to shortlist' to keep a record of your favourite places. All properties include a detailed list of local information, including local restaurants, pubs & bars and other entertainment including theatre, cinemas, and must see places of interest. Detailed maps and directions are provided for all locations including longitude and latitude coordinates which you can pop into your tom tom or other GPS system for pinpoint accuracy. We have endeavoured to make this website as simple to use as possible and provide all the information you need but please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions as we are always striving to improve your search experience with us whilst allowing free registration for accommodation owners.


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Disclaimer - These site listings are provided free of charge as a means to locate self catering accommodation in England, Scotland and Wales, please contact the site direct to make bookings, verify availability and obtain further information on facilities before proceeding
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